Changing GDT & Defining GDT & Setting TSS
Until now, sometimes I’ve got something to work, and I spent a lot of debugging time at this time.
Port IO memory and Input input process PS/2 Keyboard IO.
This is a result until today from yesterday thinking a lot.
Make a debugging environment using QEMU + GDB
Currently, in progress, OS was made on Ubuntu(Windows bash) + VIM.
Booting complete, The journey is over. Hello 64Bit!
Yeh I made it.
Definition of DataStructure related Paging, Prepare to jump to 64 bit.
It’s the time, to 64 bit.
Improvement of output, ready for jumping to the 64bit mode and almost completely to the 64-bit system.
After jumping to the 64 bit and jump to the C language kernel, I should prepare to jump to the 64 bit.
Now 0SOS will be written by C Langauge.
I guess this post is quite long.
0SOS’s 32bit mode, Hello 32bit ProtectedMode
Approximately, I thought an idea for the container of Comet Engine.
Recently, I’m enjoying developing the OS. Is the reason fresh?
Thinking about Container Library in Comet Engine
I want to develop this game engine slowly and completely.