[DP] I have solved My first DP problem.
Now, I solved a DP problem.
Printing stars with single output function.
Today I’ve solved bit algorithm problems.
Printing A + B with no limitation.
Today, I’ve started an algorithm study.
Dev log of NaverWordBookExtractor
Wow, It’s quite loooong time to write this article in here.
Round robin scheduling and Timeslice Context-Switching
I’ve got working hard in Software maestro.
TCB and Context and ContextSwitch
Before I named the data structure ‘Universal Data Structure’ shortly ‘UDS’, I think General is more properly instead of Universal.
Implemented timer driver.
Finally, I’ve got time for OS developing.
Finally It looks OS! Shell development complete!
This article should be huge.
Keyboard Driver Update-Interrupt
I think this article was short.
PIC Interrupt, Interrupt Handling, Active Interrupt
In fact, I made today afternoon, but I wrote this article now because I’ve got some work related to a server.